No More Butter
Writing a book with the title, No More Butter, has been in my head for a long time. From poor eating habits to needing to exercise for good health, writing this novel about my road from living to eat and not eating to live is a work in progress. It becomes redundant writing and reading about obesity and how it plays a role in this society. There’s no escape when obesity has an affect on an enormous amount of people including me. It’s a fight waiting to be won and expressed with words by revealing feelings of overcoming an obstacle and getting through it.
For years I have watched the patterns of my family members’ eating habits that caused them ailments and eventually death at an early age. Eating wrong foods in abundance, never helps a situation get better. Poor eating habits learned from years ago passed on to generations of today; especially in my family.
Writing this book will take readers through my journey of holiday dinners, breakfasts that were like feasts, fish frys, and many more events that contribute to poor choices in Americans’ diets that can relate to my story.
I think that there is a huge audience for your book. You should really do this! Paula Deen (the butter queen) would be mad at you though, but she will be alright.
Oh my I would be the first one on line to purchase this book. It is actually true Americans are eating unhealthy and past habits are continued within ones culture. We must continue to educate and then positive results will follow. Do I see BET, ESPN ,EBONY and JET magazine pushing this issue. Yes the community that purchase these magazines will push hard to buy this book. Good- Luck Fatima