Annual Professional Performance Review (APPR)

Annual Professional Performance Review (APPR)

APPR standards are important to all teachers and I think that these standards should be mentioned more often.  This is the first time I heard about APPR standards.  I believe that having  standards  gives educators goals to achieve.  There should always be a standard of some sort to measure the progress of teachers as well as students.  APPR standards can be a reason or guideline for salaries being structured; this is a good thing when salary is mentioned.   But when standards are enforced, no one wants to hear about it.

If AAPR standards are taught early in a teacher’s career then it would never be a problem to tackle the issues or roadblocks that the standards bring when the drawing board is near.  There is always some sort of milestone we have to go through in our careers,  educating ourselves on whats expected makes life easier in the long run.


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2 Responses to Annual Professional Performance Review (APPR)

  1. APPR standards will increase FACS to a higher academic level. The FACS curriculum was based on vocational learning until recent changes which focuses on standards. I think it will set a framework for teachers that teach whatever they want and persuade them not to leave out ELA standards Math in their plans. More so, teachers will be guided in their practices.
    The level of academia has risen in the past 5 years or less concerning the FACS curricula. FACS has an immense impact on the lives of students.

    One out of the two schools I taught in emphasized on APPR standards. There was always mention of keeping records of students’ progress from when they entered your classroom to the students’ final exit. The coordinator of the program made sure the teachers wrote their lessons according to standards so when observed they would be within guidelines.

  2. How are APPR standards going to change FACS classrooms? How was APPR been presented in your school?

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